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  • Writer's pictureSteph B

Proud Teacher Alert!

This week at parent/teacher conferences, I had a parent drop a bombshell. One of my students—an eighth-grader, mind you—is a published author. Yes, you read that correctly. I have a 13-year-old student who braved the world of self-publishing because she had stories to share with the world.


My heart nearly burst with pride when her parents told me this amazing news. My student didn’t share the news with me herself, I’m guessing because she is a very quiet, creative, introverted type. But you’d best believe I ordered a copy of her book (without her knowledge) and will be quietly asking her for an autograph when I receive the print version from


The point of this blog post on a website offering professional editing services? Why, inspiration, dear reader! I’m not laying on a guilt trip by saying “Sheesh, if a kid can do it, you can do it.” Not at all. What I’m saying is that if you know someone in the world needs to hear your ideas—whether it's poetry, a how-to book, or an academic paper—then be brave and get published! It doesn’t matter if it’s through a huge traditional publishing house or a small self-publishing website. Write from your heart, then go find your publishing route.


P.S., You may want a professional copy edit or proofread before you seek out your publisher. That’s where I come in! Contact me for a free quote or to chat about your editing needs. I’m here to help you polish your work before you send it out into the world! 


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